Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Continuously - Constantly

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is official - we are now residents of Ohio! This makes it the 4th state where I have been a resident and three times in one state. The first was where I was born - Montana, then California, next Washington, then Montana, then Hawaii, then Montana and now Ohio. I'm thinking the Lord is continuously and constantly keeping me no matter which state I reside. These two words have been in my prayers - continuously: uncessing; constantly: ALWAYS, all the time. It is so very hard for me to fathom this kind of love for me that He is continuously and constantly in my space. And whatever state (geographically) or state (mentally) I am currently living in He already prepared and knows the beginning and the end. My final destination is heaven but in the meantime He plans and purposes each day so that my dependency must be on Him alone. I didn't think I was a nomad, but God and His plans are wondrous. And He indeed has a sense of humor - yesterday while trying to get my drivers license I thought I had brought the appropriate papers - well think again. My birth certificate had my maiden name and I needed my marriage license, yes 53 years of marriage BUT they needed a paper trail of how my name was changed. I had to laugh - but I found it and now I have a Ohio drivers license. God is Good, Faithful and Forever. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Good and Faithful God, our Glorious and Righteous Creator, Praise to thee and thank you that You are continuously and constantly holding us and keeping us. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she walks into this day You are on her mind and she knows You are in her space. Anoint her with Your healing balm, comfort her with Your peace, and ignite her to be Joyful in ALL things. In Jesus Name, Amen. Thankful He is in my space,

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

His Ways and His Thoughts

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, A new window with a view - yes as I sit at my computer, which is beside the window of the room I see neighbors' houses and listen to the highway traffic, my mind begins to ponder just how far reaching is the Lord. And as I tackle each box with a decision on where to put the item I remind myself that it doesn't need to be ALL done today. There is time and there will be a place for it or maybe it can be repurposed. Now that is an interesting word - repurposed. With my very limited understanding of God's ways and thoughts, I do not think that He repurpses us. He already had in mind when He formed us in the womb of the person He uniquely and wonderfully made and with Him all things are possible. Where He has planted me now is still His original plan for my life and with that I know that I can trust ALL of me to Him. My mind, my body, my soul, my thoughts and my ways, they were His from the beginning and they are His until the end. Let us pray - Abba Father, Hallowed be Thy Name, our Creator and sustainer and Provider and Strong Tower and Shepherd. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today she would be reminded of how amazing is Your Love for her and that You renew and restore and revive her enabling her to be bold in her faith and to worship You as You guide and direct her beautiful and good life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Looking outside my window,

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I Have Missed You So Much

Greetings dear and Precious sisters-in-Christ, Here I am in a quaint city in the state of Ohio - getting here can be summed up with these words, "you are on the path of My choosing" these were the words that were written in the devotional, He Walks With Me," by Carol Kent. Copyright date 2021. And yet He planned and purposed that I would read them on May 16th. These past few months have indeed been challenging and without the LORD... an impossible thought! He has gifted me with so many ways to thank Him, Praise Him, Cry out to Him, Cling to Him, and TRUST for He is in Control and there is nothing that will be able to snatch me from His Loving embrace. I know that I am not alone for so much has happened in your lives that I have not been able to share or pray about with you. Let us come to the table and feast on His provision and after we have been fed let us join in the celebration and unwrap the gifts that the LORD has rained down on us. He is in our midst and ever present and His Peace continually flows through us. Let us pray - Father, Abba Father Thank You this day and we praise you for you are our Sustainer and Protector and Shield and Shepherd. May Your Will be done in our lives and may we lean not on our own understanding but seek You first in ALL things. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day be a glorious day for You say to her, "you are on the path of My choosing". In Jesus Name, Amen. What a pleasant path He has chosen for me!