Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Window Cleaning

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I hope that your month of March has been a blessing. In fact I hope each day that you arise until the time you go to bed that the day has been a blessing to you. I had to clean the windows of the front of my house because we needed to put up deer fencing to keep the deer from eating the tulips and spring flowers that were coming up. Because the fencing extends out from the house the windows would not be accessible to clean later. The windows were cleaned and we and proceeded to clean out the beds and put up the deer fencing. It took us two days but it got done. So back to the windows - as I opened the curtains and blinds I was surprised with how much could actually be seen! The sunlight that appeared in the house was so welcoming. On our window sills we have different knick knacks and assorted plants, which were easily seen too. Now don't get me wrong about my windows. I do clean them at least twice a year but still the harsh winter does take its toll on the outside windows. So what does cleaning of the windows have to do with my walking in Faith with the Lord? Well... I was looking through a dirty window and things had become dull and limited. Just like how the winter has been but now it is Spring! And the last couple mornings I have been reading in my devotional and these two words have caught my attention, "But God..." Yes, we have a God who is ever present and when He directs and shows us His Will and Plans it is like the windows (eyes) of our lives have been cleaned and so we can let the sun shine through and our perspective of looking out is exciting. Let us pray - Abba Father, We come before Your Throne of Grace and ask that You wash us clean and purify our minds and the things that we see are from Your eternal perspective. Lord, cleanse us today so that what we see is the eternal life with You. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she looks out at her day that it be an exciting and adventurous day filled with Joy and Peace and Hope. In Jesus Name, Amen. Looking Out,


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