Wednesday, February 01, 2023

The Word is Love - John 3:16

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is February and typically this month is about LOVE so naturally let us talk about love! Let us start off the month with the word love! A four letter word which has very impacting results when said out loud to a special person. And even when, in a conversation you say that you love this or that it can cause a discussion or even debate whether this or that should be loved. Yes, the word LOVE is an impactful word - it can be received with thankfulness or rejected for various reasons that may or may not be true. But the truth of the word love is "God is Love!" (1 John 4:7-21) Yes, with this truth you can trust and believe that when the word "love" is said it means so much more than you can ever imagine or ask or dream. You are "loved" deeply and intimately and fully and immensely and beautifully and perfectly by the Creator of ALL things and even more than that - it was for "love" that Jesus died on the cross. And for all eternity you will be loved! Let us pray - Abba Father, praise and glory and honor to thee. Lord, thank you that Your love for us is unfathomable. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be blanketed with Your LOVE. A love that is felt - as You place the blanket of Your love on her may the weight of it strengthen her, the warmth of it encourage her and as she nestles herself in Your blanket of love that she would Rest in Your Love today. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blanketed by His Love,


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