Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Turbine Windmills, Giraffes and Eagles

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We had to go to the big city for a doctor's visit and thankfully the day was filled with sunshine and the roads were dry. We took the long way to get there but on the way back we took the shorter route. Nearing home we entered my favorite spot, and why is because of the turbine windmills that are scattered throughout the fields. I attempted three times to get an accurate count but it came up with a different number each time. As we were driving in the midst of them, some turning and some still I turned to my husband and said, "I don't know what I really like about them but what would make me very happy would be if there were giraffes roaming around under them and eagles flying around them." By the time I had finished my long sentence, I was indeed happy. Most of you know that my favorite animal is the giraffe and my favorite bird is the eagle and now my favorite structure is the turbine windmill and second is the big cranes. What do I see when I look at the turbine windmills? They seem to be standing tall against the wind and actually welcoming the turbulence of the wind for it uses the wind and captures the force of the wind. The giraffes seem unencumbered by what lies beneath them and looks at what is higher and they seem to be aware of things from a distance. The eagles soaring with the wind and gliding through the air they seem to be seeing something that others do not and at times I too want to be able to stand against that which buffets me and be unencumbered by what lies beneath me and be able to soar and glide above the earth. My dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, indeed we have a Savior, we have a friend, we have our Abba Father who created all these things. And He has given us His Spirit who is greater than any wind that causes chaos and greater than anything beneath us that causes us to stumble and greater than the currents that the eagle flies upon to deep it flying high. We have a God who lifts us up and buffets against the enemy. Let us pray - Abba Father, praise and glory and honor to Thee. Lord thank You that above all things You did not leave us but..., "the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." (John 14:26) Yes, Lord thank You for our Helper. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she looks to You and asks of You that her Joy would be complete and she can say with confidence this is what makes me happy (joyful), being in Your Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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