Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Being Rooted

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, A few weeks ago I saved a branch off of one of my plants by putting it in a small vase with water and setting it on my kitchen table as a table decoration. Each morning as I sat at the table having breakfast I would look at the plant. It didn't take long before small roots started to show on the stem and after a while a new leaf sprouted. This morning I thought about how I would get excited that a new leaf sprouted but more so how I would look at the roots growing. Started out small little tentacles that have grown into larger ones and attached to those are more and more littler roots. It got me thinking - we are being rooted in the Lord every day. Yes, how can we not for He is the master gardener and where He has rooted us He has placed us where we will grow and take root and flourish. It starts out as a little tenticel and is thickened to produce more and more. He waters and nourishes us - it is a mystery indeed. Yes, I do realize that this body with all of its parts is more intricate than a broken branch of a plant but still - He is the Vine and the Vinedresser. He alone knows what is needed for us to be rooted in Him. And He has promised that He will be with us forever and ever. Let us pray - Abba Father You alone know just how delicate and intricate we are for You knitted us in our mother's womb. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she wakes up each day You would reveal to her how richly and deeply she is "being rooted" in You her Redeemer, her Savior, her Creator, her Lord. May she grow new leafs in her life and know that her days are in Your hands and that as she prays for the impossible You hear her and the brokeness will begin to grow. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being Rooted in HIM,


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