Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Sounds of Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, As I begin this post I'm listening to the sounds coming through my window, it is that quiet this morning! The loudest is the plane that just flew over our house because we have a small airport close by and visiting physicians from the big city come to our clinic to help those patients who are unable to travel to get help with their ailments. And other sounds are the cars going to and fro, either for work or school. Yes, we do live on a busy avenue that connects to the grade and high schools plus directly to the downtown area. Sometimes I welcome these sounds for they are proof of everyday living and at other times when I want silence every little sound brings a disquieting to my senses. When you describe a sound, is it to describe a welcoming or a disquieting sound. Like the gentle breeze compared to a tornado, like the tinkle of a little bell compared to the gong of the cowbell, like the whistle of the small child compared to the whistle of the referee. Yes, sounds of music or waters or wind or vehicles or nature most definitely have dual meanings. For today, let us listen for the sound of the Lord's whisper. His whispers are beautiful and pure and always comforting, for His whispers are His Word directing, guiding, and leading us through the beginning of the day until the end of our day. Day after day HIS whispers are the sounds of life. Let us pray - Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty, Majestic and Beautiful, Beyond our Comprehension. Lord, thank You for Your sounds of life that give us Joy and Hope and Peace and Love. Lord, my prayer for today is that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ hear Your whispers and begin her day walking by Faith and Trusting in You for all the impossible things in her life. You have planned and purposed her life for this day and You will keep whispering. In Jesus Name, Amen. Do you hear HIM?


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