Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Two Symbols - # and @

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Social media has its own language! The two most important symbols are the hashtag (#) and the at (@). The hashtag draws attention to the subject at hand and the @ directs you to the place where you can either research something or initiate a conversation. And then there is a way of expressing yourself by emojs. These thoughts ran through my head last night and then again this morning. This being Wednesday morning I was wondering if indeed the Lord is hastaging me and directing me to go to the @ where He will show me the most important symbol of ALL. The one that draws attention to your needs and wants and desires, the heart of the matter and if He is directing me to the source that satisfies all my thoughts and conversations and so much more. This symbol is misunderstood and misused and yet it still prevails through every crisis and difficulty. The cross is more than a symbol and yet we often treat it as such. The Cross, a symbol that draws attention to the hope and joy and peace that so many people are searching for, the Cross, a symbol that directs you to the place where ALL else is sinking sand other than knowing Jesus Christ, who died on that Cross with your name written in the palms of his nail pierced hands. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to You as we lift up our hands and hearts to You. LORD of salvation, LORD of Creation, and LORD of ALL we come before You and look to the Cross and are thankful for Your faithfulness and patience and goodness and kindness since the beginning of Creation and into eternity where we will no longer need symbols but will worship the One who sits on the throne. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she be enthralled by You. In Jesus Name, Amen. Captured by Him,


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