Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ice Fog

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, When I opened my curtains to greet the day - what did I see, an ice fog. I watched as it started to cover the tree tops then the roof tops and then it came closer and a covering of ice was coating all the ground and my vision was blurred for I was not able to see very far because the cloud was thick. I actually like fog - there is a silence within the fog that calms my senses. Yes, I cannot see through it and as it surrounds me, even the ice fog, I feel cushioned in silence. Do you sometimes need to have a cushioning of silence to settle your mind and anxious thoughts? Definition of cushion: softening the effect of an impact. I like that definition and I don't know when I have ever used that word, but as I am writing there was that word - cushion - and since I always ask for the guidinance of the Lord when I post and He provided the word - cushion then... Let us pray - Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty and Gentle and Faithful God. Thank you that You always and forever cushion us from the world. Lord may Your comfort cover us like how the fog comforts bringing a silence all of its own. Lord, whether it is an ice fog or a warm fog may it still the most anxious of thoughts and the erratic beating of the heart and bring comfort and a quiet peace. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being Cushioned,


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