Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wearing Faith, Love and Hope

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, A wedding band is something that you wear, right? It is worn to show everyone that you are committed to another person. Once you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are committed to God. And unlike the tangible evidence, a ring, which can be seen, the Lord does something so mysterious and amazing! He gives us His Spirit who takes up residence in our hearts and minds. I have two wedding bands: the original one, which was given 52+ years ago and the second one for my 25th wedding anniversary. I interchange them periodically for the original is a slim gold band and the other has 4 diamonds and a little more care is needed. Those are the outward signs of being in a relationship, being committed to another person but with the Lord there is something more intimate and divine for we are clothed with the robe of righteousness and we are gifted with the fruits of the Spirit. So just as I wear a ring on my finger as an outward sign I must also wear these three things - faith, love and hope. Yes, for without these three it is impossible to trust, believe and obey. Let us pray - Abba Father, thank You that You have not left us alone but have given us Your Spirit. Lord I ask that during these turbulent times when it seems that ALL we have can be swept away in an instant You are there in the midst of it ALL. And when the outward evidence says otherwise, because we have been left without so much, You embrace us and whisper in our ears and sing a song over us and make a way in the wilderness and clothe us with You. Lord may we begin to wear faith in trusting that all is well, to begin to wear Love believing that all is well, and begin to wear hope by obeying and saying that "all is well with my soul." Blessings of Faith, Love and Hope.


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