Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Luke 2:39-40 The Return to Nazareth

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, The last Wednesday of 2022 and what to share with you today. And with that comes another tradition recapping the year's events and beginning to think about the new year and making resolutions (goals). We have celebrated the birth of Christ and/or celebrated the Christmas season and now it is time to take down the decorations and think about the coming year. I chose Luke 2:39-40, "And when they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him." We have performed everything according to the Law of the Lord and now it is time to return to our Galilee. Yes we have a Galilee, it is where you life and work and have a life and now that we know who Jesus is and once again remember the reason why we are alive and able to return to our home let us focus on Him and may the favor of the Lord be upon us for we are born of the spirit and our new year's resolutions and our days forward will be adventurous for they have already been planned and purposed by the Creator of ALL things. I was watching a program about fishing last night, yes, my husband had it on so I was also kind of watching, well at the end of the show the narrator was sitting at a table and on that table was a bible - he gave thanks to the God of creation and read Genesis 1:1 and then proceeded to say, "I can't understand why some people can look at the things around them and think it was caused by... (basically the big bang theory). He went on to say, "It is simple and then he said, "why can't they get it", and looking directly into the camera he said, "Duh,". I laughed and then I had a thought, yes, Lord, along with the "Wow" moments in my life I want to have some, "Duh" moments in my life. Yes, the celebration, the gift giving, the anticipation of gathering together with family, and the time and labor spent in the preparation is now over and we must return to our home. But... I love the way the LORD always has a "but". Let up pray - Abba Father, our Creator and Father, thank You that Your favor is upon us and may we also continue to grow in Faith and become strong is our Faith and be filled with the wisdom from above and walk confidently knowing that Your Favor is upon us. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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