Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Focusing on Christmas

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Already 7 days into the month of December, and finally it is a Wednesday morning. I have been busy these past seven days because each place that I frequent is now decorated or being decorated with Christmas decor. There are trees of various sizes decorated up with so many things and there are wreaths hanging on every door or entry way. And of course the Christmas music playing is an added delight. The glitter, the glow, the colors, and the music filling up my senses. What are your favorite colors and tunes and decorations that bring joy to your heart? If you are someone who likes things to be quieter this may be something that you want to avoid at all costs. The clamor of the noises and images all at once can be so distracting but if you are able to tune out the background noises and find something to focus on, what is the reality of the month of December, then His voice in the midst of the clamor and His Presence in the midst of the glitter and glow and His Fragrance in the midst of all the other fragrances masking Him will appear. There is a beauty like none other and a fragrance like none other and a silence like none other as you focus on Christmas. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise and Glory to You our heavenly Father. Lord I pray that as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ that each day be filled with Your Voice, Your Beauty, Your Fragrance and Your Presence. And may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be blessed as she flits and flutters in the mayhem of the world and yet her heart is focusing on the birth of Your Son (Christmas). In Jesus Name, Amen. Focusing on Christmas,


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