Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What's Love Got To Do With It

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Imagine you have received a call from a dear friend that she is on her way to the hospital because her daughter has been assaulted and as you are trying to comprehend what is being said, your response is, "I'm coming!" When you arrive at the hospital you know where to go because you have been there many times before. Sure enough she is there in the waiting room sitting in the exact same chair that you sat in several months ago. The waiting room in the hospital can be such a lonely place and at the same time a comforting place. The chairs, the pictures, and even the room itself is somehow cushioned from the outside sounds. You approach your friend and sit next to her. Since you have been here before and know your friend so well just touching her arm in silence is enough of a comfort. Many of us are in the waiting room - waiting to hear from the doctor, waiting to see what will happen next, waiting to be able to see your loved ones. The waiting room where thoughts and memories arise in our mind, where the "what ifs" in our lives seem to be out of control. The days and weeks leading up to Christmas is like being in the waiting room. We who are called who love the LORD already know the end, but for those who are still in darkness who see the waiting room as a place where their worst fears may be confirmed at any moment can be unbearable. So what's love got to do with it? Everything and even more than everything!. Our Abba Father prepared us and to quote Isaiah 26:12, "O LORD, you will ordain peace for us, for you have indeed done for us all our works." Definition of ordained, "order or degree (something) officially; prescribe, determine." Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ let us pray - Abba Father, All and Everything in our lives LORD we praise You. LORD thank you that you have ordained peace for us from the very beginning of time until the end of our days and thank you that You have done for us all our works. Lord Your Love has everything to do with it... . Lord as we sit in the waiting room of our lives and maybe in the lives of others may we "be still and know that you are God" and that nothing is impossible with You. In Jesus Name, Amen. In the waiting room,


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