Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Beauty of the Lord

Greetings dear and precious sister-in-Christ,

In order to do social distancing and still play we (my husband and myself) decided to clean the small creek which runs along side our house. This meant getting dirty and using muscles that have been dormant for some time. The city is technically responsible for the maintenance but we claimed the responsibility of it because we wanted to have a little rest area where we could sit and listen to the flow of the water.

It being our first day and tackling the most needed area we gave ourselves a goal - to go to the big stump. Two hours later we achieved that goal and gladly started the cleanup, which was another forty-five minutes. We started by removing all the leaves and twigs and debris which could be seen. Once that was done we could remove the hidden roots and debris which was along the banks. As we removed the things the water began to flow faster and before too long we could see and hear the beauty of the creek.

Yes, the beauty of the creek itself. The sound of the water flowing over the rocks, the clarity of the creek itself. We could see the bottom and also the deep holes and we stood on the banks later that day and listened and looked and each of us sighed at how beautiful our creek is and how satisfying and relaxing to be able to enjoy such beauty.

My prayer for today -

Abba Father,

Thank You oh Gracious Lord for Your Beauty which is indescribable, such beauty that captures us in so many ways. From the sunrise to the sunset, from the air to the sea, from the earth to the skies, from the planting to the blooming and from the darkness to the Light. Lord I pray for each dear and preicous sister-in-Christ that today she would be overwhelmed with Your Beauty. Your beauty that is everywhere and in everything. May her eyes see Your Glorious Beauty as she walks into her day, may her ears hear Your whispers and Your song being sung over her, and may her heart be moved to give all the glory and honor and praise to Your Name - Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen

Beautiful, Beautiful Savior how beautiful thou Art.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Grace, Love and Communion

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last night before ending my day, which had been packed full with shopping, walking, and building a protective barrier around our front flowering bed area to keep the deer from eating them (tulips and crocus) before they could flower, I was reading my devotional, "Daily Light," by Bagster/Lotz. In reading the last verse, 2 Cor. 13:14, I knew that it was to be used in this mornings posting.

Yesterday was very windy and the hottest day we have had so far; reached 62 degrees. I needed to go shopping between 7-9am, designated times for our town, for older people. And after shopping my morning walk was a must. Then, because it was a nice day, decided to help my husband with a much needed project. Finally finished around 4:30 and needed to take a much needed shower. Because we had been to a few different places to acquire our supplies and with the constant wind blowing my body felt so dirty. I wasn't sure just how many germs my immune system could handle so a good washing was in store.

I hope that I'm not getting to personal here, but I felt that in sharing this verse, which is a prayer, a explanation was needed. Every day is filled to the brim with those things that invade our bodies and minds and souls.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee, thank You for Your Washing, thank You for Your protective barrier and thank You for Your Truth. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that---

"The GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the LOVE of God, and the COMMUNION of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." In Jesus Name, Amen.

Being Washed by the Grace and Love and Communion,


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Pushing the Restart Button

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

If only... Yes, I'm certain that if only...

These two words keep popping up in conversations all over the world, if only...

How about if only we could have a restart button that could be pushed and this crisis could be just a bad nightmare?

But sadly we DO NOT and if we did at what point in our collective lives would we restart?

We do not have a restart button - we have something that is so much better and bigger and majestic!

We have a new day. I know that it is so hard to even fathom but we do have have this new day. Each one of us is given a new day - and that day is filled with all the tender mercies of the most Sovereign Lord. He created this day, this new day and it may seem to us that it is the same BUT it is not. It is a new day and we are assured for it is written, Psalm 118:24, "this is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. And in Lamentations 3:22-23, "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not, They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."

Abba Father,

All Praise and Glory and Honor to Thee. We thank You, our Great and Mighty God for this new day and thank You for filling this new day with Tender Mercies. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that this day she would bask in Your Faithfulness and embrace Your Peace and allow You to whisper into her heart and may she begin to rejoice and be glad in it and be filled with Your JOY. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

Basking in His Faithfulness,


Wednesday, April 08, 2020

The Three Essentials of Life

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

There are three essentials in life that we all need, whether it be earthly or spiritually.

Shelter (cover, refuge)

Water (flood, liquid, make moist)

and Food (bread, meat)

Shelter can come in many forms - from an underbrige to a mansion, from a car to a tent, from a piece of cardboard to a stable, from a cave to a tower.

Yes shelter comes in so many forms - a place where we can take cover and a place of refuge.

Water that which cleans and sustains and refreshes and nourishes our body and mind and soul.

Food that which grows us up, keeps our bodies in good health, provides nutrients that sustain life.

All Three of these are the essentials of life.

He is our shelter, our strong tower, our refuge in the storm and our Covering.

He is the Living Water!!

He is the Bread of Life!!

He is All!!!

Abba Father,

We humbly come before Your Throne of Grace and give you all the Praise and Glory and Honor. Thank You LORD that You alone are our Shelter, our Covering, our Refuge. Thank You that You are our Living Water which sustains and cleanses and refreshes. Thank You that You are our Food, our bread and our meat the very Bread of Life. LORD I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would dwell upon the many blessings that You bring into her life and during this season that she be able to Rejoice in he Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! That she be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let her requests be made know to Thee and the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. I pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen. (Phil. 4:4,6-7)

Blessings and prayers,


Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Two Totally Unrelated Incidents

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Two totally unrelated incidents this morning - the first was the shound of the snow plows removing the accumulated snow, which had been falling all night, from the road and the sidewalks. We are expected to get 5-8 inches of snow fall over the next couple of days. Second is the flipping of the calendar page from March to April.

I have never really bought into the idea of playing practical jokes on April 1st but I do have relatives and friends who live for this day.

Me saying to myself as I listen to the sound of the trucks removing the snow and watch as the snow continues to come down, "Thanks, Mother Nature, for pranking us with a snow storm today."

Also my thoughts - Lord if only You could remove this deadly virus as easily as the snow plow removes the freshly fallen snow combined with the crusted over snow from the night before. Lord if only You could remove this deadly virus as easily as flipping the page on the calendar.

I'm so sorry for you if you are suffering from this virus or if you have a loved one suffering. I'm sorry that a burden that is higher than the highest mountain and with it very jagged edges that seem to cut to the heart has come upon you.

Dear and Precious sisters-in-Christ may we come before the throne of Grace and pray -

Abba Father, Our Creator, Our Sovereign Lord, thank You that You hear our cries, thank You Holy Spirit that You take our groanings before the Father. LORD we bow our heads, we lift up our arms, we shout praises and yes we are asking for Your Mercy to rain down on us. Lord we cannot handle this burden, we give it to you. Lord we cannot climb high enough or keep from getting cut on the jagged edges. Lord surround each dear and precious sister-in-Christ with Your LOVE, Your PEACE, and above all else Your PRESENSE. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Blessings and Prayers,
