Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Two Totally Unrelated Incidents

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Two totally unrelated incidents this morning - the first was the shound of the snow plows removing the accumulated snow, which had been falling all night, from the road and the sidewalks. We are expected to get 5-8 inches of snow fall over the next couple of days. Second is the flipping of the calendar page from March to April.

I have never really bought into the idea of playing practical jokes on April 1st but I do have relatives and friends who live for this day.

Me saying to myself as I listen to the sound of the trucks removing the snow and watch as the snow continues to come down, "Thanks, Mother Nature, for pranking us with a snow storm today."

Also my thoughts - Lord if only You could remove this deadly virus as easily as the snow plow removes the freshly fallen snow combined with the crusted over snow from the night before. Lord if only You could remove this deadly virus as easily as flipping the page on the calendar.

I'm so sorry for you if you are suffering from this virus or if you have a loved one suffering. I'm sorry that a burden that is higher than the highest mountain and with it very jagged edges that seem to cut to the heart has come upon you.

Dear and Precious sisters-in-Christ may we come before the throne of Grace and pray -

Abba Father, Our Creator, Our Sovereign Lord, thank You that You hear our cries, thank You Holy Spirit that You take our groanings before the Father. LORD we bow our heads, we lift up our arms, we shout praises and yes we are asking for Your Mercy to rain down on us. Lord we cannot handle this burden, we give it to you. Lord we cannot climb high enough or keep from getting cut on the jagged edges. Lord surround each dear and precious sister-in-Christ with Your LOVE, Your PEACE, and above all else Your PRESENSE. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Blessings and Prayers,



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