Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Beauty of the Lord

Greetings dear and precious sister-in-Christ,

In order to do social distancing and still play we (my husband and myself) decided to clean the small creek which runs along side our house. This meant getting dirty and using muscles that have been dormant for some time. The city is technically responsible for the maintenance but we claimed the responsibility of it because we wanted to have a little rest area where we could sit and listen to the flow of the water.

It being our first day and tackling the most needed area we gave ourselves a goal - to go to the big stump. Two hours later we achieved that goal and gladly started the cleanup, which was another forty-five minutes. We started by removing all the leaves and twigs and debris which could be seen. Once that was done we could remove the hidden roots and debris which was along the banks. As we removed the things the water began to flow faster and before too long we could see and hear the beauty of the creek.

Yes, the beauty of the creek itself. The sound of the water flowing over the rocks, the clarity of the creek itself. We could see the bottom and also the deep holes and we stood on the banks later that day and listened and looked and each of us sighed at how beautiful our creek is and how satisfying and relaxing to be able to enjoy such beauty.

My prayer for today -

Abba Father,

Thank You oh Gracious Lord for Your Beauty which is indescribable, such beauty that captures us in so many ways. From the sunrise to the sunset, from the air to the sea, from the earth to the skies, from the planting to the blooming and from the darkness to the Light. Lord I pray for each dear and preicous sister-in-Christ that today she would be overwhelmed with Your Beauty. Your beauty that is everywhere and in everything. May her eyes see Your Glorious Beauty as she walks into her day, may her ears hear Your whispers and Your song being sung over her, and may her heart be moved to give all the glory and honor and praise to Your Name - Jesus! In Jesus Name, Amen

Beautiful, Beautiful Savior how beautiful thou Art.



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