Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Figurines On Desk

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The last Wednesday of September. Fall is officially here with windy days, the leaves turning and beautiful colors. The Fall colors are amazing. As I walk along the leaf strewn path I feel a special warmth. So welcome to Fall with the brilliant colors of brilliant reds and golden yellows and subtle oranges.

Now for what I have titled this post. I have several figures displayed around my house but the ones that caught my attention were three of them on my desktop. A lavender rabbit, a porcelein pair of ice skates, and a pewter card/note holder turtle.

The lavender rabbit was purchased for an Easter display, the skates were a gift from a very dear friend and the turtle card/note holder I bought to use when I worked and kept on my desk.

Each figurine is looked at each Wednesday mornng as I sit at my computer and commune with God and listen to Him as to what I should write.

Lavender rabbits, turtles and ice skates - yes, so different yet part of my collection that reminds me of favorite things - the small rabbit because it is lavender colored and at Easter the rabbit is always part of the decorations; the turtle because it is my reminder that turtles played a significant part in my life while living in Hawaii; and the ice skates remind me of changes that come into our lives. Yes, changes, just like Fall and the leaves change colors and fall from the trees and settle onto the ground.

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ my prayer for today:

Abba Father, Praise to thee and thank You that our lives are so richly and intimately and divinely blessed by Thee, our creator, the Sovereign Lord of all. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her life in You would be brilliantly displayed. May Your Beauty be evident in her life. May she cling to Thee as You give to each one abundantly Your Peace, Your Hope, Your Joy and Your Love. Lord as the changes come may she be reminded of Your Faithfulness and remain Steadfast in her Faith. I ask in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

May you be filled to overflowing,


Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Far Reaching Love of God

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Yesterday was an example of the far reaching love of God. The story - discovered in the morning that we had no internet service. I tried my best to trouble shoot the problem before leaving the house for my volunteer work. Arriving home four hours later my husband was still working on the problem. I contacted the local company to see if it was a problem on their end. They stated no but had some suggestions about our apple airport - so contacted Apple and found out the current one we were using was actually obsolete (2007) and that we would need to get another. In the meantime called the local internet service company again and asked for their router. This is when it gets really interesting and exciting - The call center service tech stated that he would put an order in and for my area it would probably be next Tuesday or Wednesday, but he would contact the local office and see if he could call in any favors. Five minutes later the service tech knocked at our door. I was shocked!!

Ok, now it really is the part of the story that I call divine appointments - He went out to his truck to get the equipment and I noticed that the older man who had been sittting in his car talking on the phone came over to talk to the service man. They talked for about 10 minutes.

The service tech came in and was very excited - the man he was talking to was his uncle whom he had not seen in 17 years (yep 17 years), the service man, "If I hadn't taken your call I would have missed seeing him". I told him that God works in such amazing ways - he looked at me and agreed.

How far reaching is God's love that my inconvenience which lead to a reunion of family members. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ there are no coincidences in our lives. God loves each and every one of us so much that He is always going to great lengths to ensure, assure and reassure us that He is still our Sovereign Lord. I'm certain that this incident was an answer to prayer.

God's ways are so far reaching, God's love is so far reaching that there is absolutely nothing that happens in our lives that He has not known.

Abba Father, Praise You for Your far reaching love for each one of us. Oh Lord, open our eyes to see just how far reaching is Your Love and divine interventions and also open our ears to hear Your divine guidance as You lead us on paths of understanding and knowing that You are LORD over all. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her life be filled with such Joy and Love and Peace that she would be overwhelmed by You. I ask in the precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.



Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Being Drenched in His Peace and Love

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My computer is being slow this morning and I blame it on the weather, yep, we are experiencing continuous cloudy and rainy days for the past four days. I think I can only take, at the most, two days of being it rainy and cloudy. Oh well, it is the weather, right?

There I got my whinning out of the way.

I hope that all of you are having Joyful days in the midst of the external conditions. Those conditions which cloud our vision; those days which bring rain that wets you down and causes a chill to the body.

Joyfull - It is written:

Deut. 16:15, Seven days you shall...because the LORD your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.

Psalms 21:6, For You make him most blessed forever; You make him joyful with gladness in Your presence.

Psalms 126:5, Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.

Proverbs 17:22, A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit...

Abba Father, Praise your Holy Name, thank You that in the midst of our cloudy and rainy day(s) that we need not be concerned with the external but cling to the written word. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her days are Joyful. May her joyfulness be evident in her life as she walks with You every day. May each one see Your Love with each cloud and feel Your Peace and Love with each rain drop. I pray in the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Being Drenched in His Peace and Love,


Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Sojourning - Col 3:1-17

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

September, my month of spending time (setting aside) with the Lord in a different way. By that I mean each day I ask, seek or knock to know more of Him and my walk with Him.

So my day today is starting off with setting aside time with all of you - I realize that indeed I am a sojourner - in many ways just a short temporary stay and at other times much longer but still only temporary.

Today's stay with you dear and precious sisters-in-Christ is indeed a welcome stay with thoughts of how the Lord has connected all of us and how faithful He is in keeping our relationships together.

Today's verses seem very appropriate for our time spent together - thank you for receiving and reading and hopefully praying together.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to Our Most Sovereign LORD. I thank you for all the blessings You reign down on us each and every twenty-four day. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she is "...chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience bearing with one another, and forgiving each other,..." and "let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful" and "let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another...singing thankfulness in your hearts to God." LORD, may Your precious tender mercies be evident in their lives today and every day. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

