Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Just Breathe and Drinking Water

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Saturday and again on Monday my afternoon and morning respectively were spent in the Emerency Room with my brother. He was in severe pain caused by kidney stones yet to be passed. He was given hardcore pain medication both times and followed with instruction to drink lots of water.

For him to tolerate the pain I was helping him by telling him to take in a few deep breaths with mouth closed and expel through the mouth. It really helped him and he didn't seem to mind my nagging, "just breathe".

The doctor said that he was going to have to bear with the pain because the stone only had a little further to go and to drink lots of water. These were the instructions on Saturday upon discharge. Well on Monday morning early he called me because he was still in pain. We arrived and doctor asked if he had been drinking water. He said, "I have a water bottle in every room of the house". Then doctor asked if they were empty, to which he stated, feeling very happy from the drugs, "Oh, are they supposed to be empty?" We got quite a laugh. He told me that a little bit was out of each bottle.

The doctor and nurse highly stressed that in order for him to pass the stone he needed to drink the water!

This got me to thinking -- about just breathing - how many times when I am in a situation do I panic when really all I need to do is just breathe deeply and know that it is in the Lords hands.

about drinking water -- the Lord is the Living Water -- when we drink from the Living Water we no longer are thirsty and it gives us strength to endure the pain and helps us to pass the stone or whatever is causing the pain.

I love when the Lord opens my eyes to His goodness and mercy and grace wherever I am. My prayer for today --

Abba Father, thank You that You are our Living Water and the very breath that we take. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, that her day and days ahead would be filled with wonder and awe in knowing that as she "just breathes" and "drinks of the Living Water", You are with her. You alone satisfy, fill-up, revive, renew, soothe, calm, and surround her every desire and need and want. Praise to You oh Lord, I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.




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