Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Psalm 27:13

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I know I am a little late this morning! The Lord had me on another mission, in fact, the last two mornings He has directed me to do some pruning. Yep, physical pruning. On Mother's Day my husband and I tackled the pruning of the Apple tree plus a few limbs off of the neighbors BIG tree which was encroaching onto our property, which also caused the Apple tree to grow sideways. So... to continue, we left the limbs and branches piled up in our side yard waiting for another day to be hauled away to the dump. Well... on Tuesday morning, looking out my bedroom window a clear voice said, "that's your task for this morning," I was only able to work on it for about an hour for I had a meeting to go to. Standing in front of the pile with trimming shears and scissors, where to begin?

And so it was this morning, I finished pruning and cutting the branches into managable sizes to haul away. And drug the other bigger branches into a pile so my husband can use the chainsaw to complete the task.

About midway into my task, I began to chuckle... for the birds were singing and the morning was just the right temperature and looking at the pile of branches and twigs and thoughts of how the Lord prunes us. Yes, does He do it in bite size pieces, does He separate into piles the little things in our lives, does He have to use pruning shears or maybe pruning scissors or maybe even a chainsaw. (You can see where my mind was going with this). So I stopped and began to giggle (chuckle) and started to praise the Lord. At that moment I grabbed a branch and part of the limb hit me in the face. Don't worry, no bruises or scraps. I continued praising Him for He had set aside our time together for the last two mornings and it has been very good to have the quiet time with Him. So you probably wonder what Psalm 27:13, "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.", I really don't know myself, I just know that I indeed believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Thank you for letting me share my last two mornings, I pray that yours have been delightful and refreshing.

Abba Father, How Gracious and Mighty art Thou, Oh how I love thee and thank thee for each time that we can spend time together. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that when she arises her heart is filled with the belief that she would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living and that she would feel Your Presence and thank You for Your Provision and rely upon Your Power and be filled with Your Peace. May she lift up her voice and hands and praying and praising thee. I ask all this in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.




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