Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Do You Hear Me - Comfort Sounds

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Wednesday morning and once again it is a new month, June, the early summer days are upon us. And with the early summer days there are special sounds, especially in the early morning. Since my body gets me up so early, 5:30 most days and if I am blessed to sleep in maybe 6:30. So to continue, the early sounds of the summer morning - As the sun arises there is a stillness, brief, and yet impactful. Awakening the day. Birds chirping, even the sound of the leaves turning toward the sun.

These sounds bring comfort to my ears, along with the sound of flowing water. Yes, comfort sounds, they vary as much as the individual. Some days I welcome the sound of silence the most. In the everyday happenings even running the water into the sink to wash up the forgotten dishes from the night before brings comfort to my ears.

These comfort sounds are actually a voice speaking - some are soft and gentle to the ears, while others are harsh and discomforting.

Yes, comfort sounds, we all have them and my prayer for today for each of you -

Abba Father, Thank You for Speaking into our hearts, thank You for Your Whispers, Thank You oh Lord that as varied as the beauty of color You also gifted us with sounds that bless and comfort. Lord thank You for the sounds of water and birds and trees and also thank you for all the musical instruments and voices that sing wonderful praises to your Name. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today whatever sounds bring her comfort that she would Be Still and Know that You are God. Lord there is nothing, absolutely nothing that separates us from Your Love. May she hear with her heart Your Comfort sounds stirring her to keep asking and seeking and knocking. I pray this in the precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Listening for His Voice,



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