Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cloudy and Misty Days

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Yes, the last three days we have been experiencing cloudy and misty days. The first morning as I looked out my kitchen window, deciding whether or not to take my morning walk inside at out local civic center or outside, I opted for the indoors. I drove down to the civic center only to find that the doors were closed for maintenance work so decided to venture outdoors.

So glad that I did!! It was just cloudy and misting enough to be able to hear the sounds of nature. Yesterday and probably today I will be venturing out once again seeking the solitude which comes with cloudy and misty days.

I hope that your walk today with the Lord has its special moments of solitude. The kind of solitude that comes when its just you and Him. It can be while you are taking a walk, or driving in traffic, or sitting at your office, or even just reclining on your bed or couch.

Abba Father thank you for the cloudy and misty days which bring a silence to the air. And in that silence there is a solitude. A much needed solitude to heal our hurts and revive our spirits and renew our minds. The kind of solitude that only can be explained as Your Peace. Your Peace which passes all understanding. Your Peace which settles into our bodies and minds. Lord, may Your Peace smother each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today.
I ask in the precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.




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