Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Happy May Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

May 1, May Day, honestly it wasn't until we have lived in Hawaii for a couple years that May Day became a celebration because of the Lei's that people gave and received. Some of them were very elaborate while others were simple yet so beautiful.

Flowers - over the years my favorite flower has changed mainly becasue of my location. Growing up in Montana - daddy had fushia's and roses and pansies. Living in California it was poppies and black eyes susans and roses. It was when we got to Hawaii that my favorite, well all of them I guess. Orchids, plumerias, hibiscus, bleeding hearts, gardenias and water lilies. Yes, flowers bring such delight to our senses. Their array of colors and shapes and fragrances. Yes, beauty in mass can sometimes overwhelm us - a meadow of wild flowers or even while driving in California and seeing the hillsides arrayed in such glorious colors.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee. Thank You for Your Beauty and coming before your throne of Grace and Mercy I pray: Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ may you be blessed richly today with the beauty of a flower. May your day be filled with color and shapes and fragrances that ignite a passion to know Him more and more and as you gaze at the flower ponder just on the wonder of our Creator and praise Him in all His Splendor and Glory.




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