Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Proverbs 16:9 and Isaiah 64:8

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

In the telling of my new adventure - let's begin with two verses:

The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)


But now, O LORD, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all of us are the work of Your hand.(Isaiah 64:8)

My new adventure - I auditioned for a part in the local play, notified that I had got a part (excited)
A week ago Monday went to find out what part (role) the director thought would best suit me. Very surprised!!
The play is Charlotte's Web and my part is one of the trio (first member) of the narrators or CHORUS.

That night, received the script and read through the script (lots of lines, oh my) and dismissed after two hours with instructions, "to start learning your lines and rehearsal will begin next Tuesday". All week and until yesterday evening read and reread trying to learn my lines. Which brings us to the reason for the two verses -

Last night -- rehearsals began and the Director began to lay out the play. No longer was I just going to be saying lines but the director opened up a whole scenario - It was her vision for how she wanted all of us to represent the characters. Ah, such is life - don't you think?

Yes, we (man) plans his way, BUT... indeed the LORD directs his steps. He alone knows us; the what, where, how and when of our lives and it is GOOD.

Yes, He is our Father, we indeed are the clay and He is our Potter, not just any potter out there but ours alone - He fashioned us, He personally picked out that lump of clay and knew what He was and is doing!!

Yes, all of us (yes, you and me) are the work of HIS HAND. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ trust and joy in your adventure for the imagination and inspiration that comes with being directed and being a lump of clay is AMAZING.

Abba Father, Praise to thee. Oh most Sovereign Lord, as You direct our steps may we be in AWE of how intimately and beautifully and wholly you mold and shape and fashion us into Your image. Thank you LORD. I ask in the precious name of Jesus that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ welcome Your directing and working of Your hand in their lives and be content in each of her days. Amen.

Blessings my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,



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