Wednesday, June 12, 2019

2 Samuel 5:10

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This morning I pulled from my bookshelf a bible that hasn't been used in quite a while. It's one that I had purchased several years back. I recall the reason I wanted to use it was because it was the "NIV" version. I had only been using the King James. Another reason was that it was the "Women's Devotional Bible". Opening the bible and leafing through the pages looking at the underlined verses this verse caught my attention, "And he became more and more powerful because the LORD God Almighty was with him." (2 Samuel 5:10).

How mightily it applies to each one of us. When I think of being powerful it usually has to do with physical, but the Lord's thoughts and ways of being powerful are so far reaching, don't you think?

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, the LORD God Almighty is with you and me and the power that is given to us is the Holy Spirit. Each day is a new day to activate that power given to be a person who puts on the full armor of God and walks into her day confidently and assurdedly that whatever, whomever and whichever comes into our walk with the Lord He will protect, keep, restore, and renew!

Yes you will become more and more powerful because the LORD God Almighty is with you!

Abba Father, our most Sovereign Lord, the Holy and Righteous One who created and spoke and keeps each of His children. Praise and Glory and Honor to the One who directs and guides and quiets us. Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would today TRUST and BE STILL and KNOW that You alone are the LORD God Almighty and that You are with her. I pray in the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Blessings on your walk with Him today,



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