Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Embracing the Winter of My Life with Joy

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I wrote this on the one year anniversary of being a resident of Montana knowing that I would post it today,

Embracing the Winter of My Life with Joy

Today is the one year anniversary of becoming a resident of Montana. A whole year of living in a small town where I was born and lived until the summer of my 15th year. I went from living on the Big Island of Hawaii to living in the Big Sky country of Montana. I went from swimming in the wide Pacific Ocean to ice skating on the little rink in Lewistown Montana. I went from sunny 88 degree days to overcast 12 degree days. I went from lava covered beaches to snow laden streets and walkways. I went from palm trees and plumeria trees to pine trees and fir trees. I went from sun glistened ocean water to sun glistened snow packed roads. I went from living the summer of my life to living the winter of my life.

Yes, when we moved to the Big Island at age 50, it was during the summer and that is how our 15 years went. It was the summer of our lives, we lived and loved and were blessed richly with friends and fellowship. The years were easy even though we grew from our experiences it was still a time of summer. Where the sun rose each day and greeted us with warmth and goodness and gentleness. Yes, the days were gentle in nature even though we lost friends and became enemies and dealt with death and loss several times, we still lived our lives of true blessings.

I learned to truly love and to be loved. I learned that life is harsh but yet forgiveness is the key to being able to live freely. I learned that all things on the surface do fade away and that the Love of my God is the only thing that does stay the same.

So today I am reflecting on my past year.. We actually arrived October 29th but did not become a resident until we bought our house on November 6th.

The Lord had us skip the Fall and transplanted us here in the Winter of our lives. It truly is the Winter of our lives. I am now 66 years old and realizing that these next 20 years are going to be filled with learning how to embrace the winter of my life with Joy. These are the words that were given to me by the Lord when first arriving here, “Embracing Winter” and “Joy”. Oh and also that He would be my “warmth”.

That is the only thing that I truly missed, the warmth of the tropical Island. And one other thing, the humidity. To me that is what winter is a lack of warmth and a lack of moisture within and without. A dryness that hurts and cold that hurts. That is not what my Lord gives each day. He gives a refreshing and a warmth that overwhelms the soul and body and mind.

I will learn how to embrace the winter of my life with Joy for the Joy of the Lord is my strength. I will learn to cover myself with His Warmth and Allow Him to Rain His Living Water through me where the dryness of winter can come in.

Praise thee Oh Lord that You will never leave me nor forsake me and that each new day You will anoint it with tender mercies. I will learn to rejoice and be glad in it. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names. Amen

For today, I would like to offer up a prayer for my dearest and most precious sisters-in-Christ,

Abba Father, Thank You that You alone are Sufficient, You alone fill us with Your Presence, thank You that You Embrace us with Your Love and thank You that You guide us with Your Spirit. thank You for Grace through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Lord I ask of thee that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be adorned with Your Favor, Your Beauty, Your Fragrance, Your Goodness and Your Love today and throughtout the remainder of her days. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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