Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Security Protection

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have a program on my computer which prevents any threathening viruses from getting into my system. Each time that I turn it on an alert comes on that this program is doing its job and then it gives me a number of threats or other suspicous activity that has been attempted to corrupt my system.

How amazing is our God that we do not have to install a program or pay for a program of even think about such things because He is our Security, He is our Savior, He is our Protector. He covers us with His Mighty Wings. Oh how precious it is to know that He is/has taken care of all that will harm us or threaten us or even try to invade us. How amazing is His Love for us that His Son went to the Cross and paid the price, and died for us and then gave us the Holy Spirit and we are Sealed.

Abba Father, how Glorious art thou that in these days of turmoil and unrest and tradegies that You are Sovereign and just the Name Jesus spoken You are there to heal, to protect, to provide, to shield, to harbor, to do the impossible. Lord I pray for those who are in the midst of threatening things and cover her with Your Peace and Hope and Love to which she can cry out to You and know that in these things You are the Great I AM, the LORD, the Creator and the Savior. I pray that Your Name be Glorified this day in the midst of all that wants to rob us of our Joy and Peace. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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