Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Step By Step

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I know that I am a little late in posting my Wednesday morning prayer. Really no reason for it other than when I got up this morning my indoor/outdoor temperature gauge read, "57 degrees". I thought that it was broken but after checking another source, yes, indeed it was 57 degrees. So I opted for taking a walk in the sunshine and warm weather. The past two mornings it was only 29 and 32 respectively in the mornings and really didn't want to go out. This mornings walk was wonderful. I walked from my end of town to the other end, approximately 2 miles and then on the way back took a nature walk through an area where there are two fishing ponds. The nature walk was very relaxing for me. It was quiet enough along the rocky path to hear my footsteps. I was enjoying the sound, taking one step at a time meandering along the pathway. Ah, isn't it good to do that with the Lord? Taking it one step at a time? Sometimes it is a baby step and other times it is a longer step, but still progress is being made. What kind of progress? Moving forward - always moving forward!! I'm walking that path each day and as the day begins I'm hopeful that with the steps taken there are times when the steps lead me to a wonderful pond where I can relax and enjoy and other times the steps lead me to a sheltered pathway and at other times my steps lead me to something that takes my breath away. So wonderful of our Lord and Savior, that He alone, His Presence leads us along our path and as we take our steps He is always one step ahead of us, guiding and directing and paving the way for us.

Abba Father,

How marvelous and magnificent art Thou. Oh, how I praise thee for Your Most Sovereign Power, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and each day that she step out in Faith and Trust in the One who has planned and purposed her step for each and every day. Lord may Your richest blessings be poured into their lives and may they enjoy the walk with you. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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