Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Being Grateful or Grouchy and Grumpy

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My 88 year old daddy was not feeling very well yesterday and especially after his visit from the hospice nurse he was even moodier. So, me being his one and only loving daughter,(it is a family saying since I have 4 younger brothers), decided to address his moodiness, by stating, "Daddy you are alive and breathing and you can choose to be grateful or grouchy", to which he replied, and "grumpy". We looked at each other and he decided to go sit in his chair and stop complaining. I continued with my task of helping my mom pay the bills. When we had finished we asked if he wanted to come along and pay the bills that were in town. He said, "yes." The rest of our time together was very enjoyable.

With all that is going on with fires, and floods, and threats of unrest throughout the world, I also realize that I have a choice of whether being grateful or grouchy and grumpy. And as I watch the news and see all these events that are unfolding and how the people effected are reacting or acting, it is quite evident to me which ones are grateful and which ones are grouchy and grumpy.

Drastic and devastating changes have happened in their lives. I hardly know how and who to pray for - I turned to Ecclesiastes 3 and read the verses, 1-11, and place my Trust in the God who created it all and in Him all things are possible.

Abba Father, How merciful art thou towards your children, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that they place their Trust in the GOD who is sovereign over all and who keeps His Promises. May they have grateful hearts and rejoice for this day, these 24 hours of breathing. May each breath that they take be a prayer lifted up to You in Praise. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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