Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Keeping The Words

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am beginning to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo, which stands for National November Writing Month, under the urging of my daughter several years back I committed myself to do this. To explain, during the month of November you are to write a novel, 50,000 words. Yes, it does seem impossible!! My first year was 2009 and each November after that until 2016 I participated. I disciplined myself and committed myself to the project and each day was a total surprise as to what the Lord had in store for me to write. Yes, I prayed before and during and after each days writings for I know that I cannot trust my own mind when it comes to "right thinking". I have saved every one of them in rough draft form. All 6 of them. I tell myself that I am going to edit and edit and edit again and then publish. Maybe it will happen and maybe not. It is amazing to me but as I think about each year's writing, without looking at the finished product, I still remember each one and how it came into fruition. I remember them better than I remember each days happening in my life. How is that possible? I guess because there are some memories, some words, some moments in our lives that we keep. Yes, keeping the words alive in our minds and in our hearts. That is what I want to do with the "Word". Keeping it in my heart and soul and mind. As I go about my daily routine each day there are words I read and words I hear, may I keep the "Word of God". The living Word.

Abba Father, Priase thee and thank thee that You have given us Your Word. Oh most Holy and Righteous Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ keep Your Word in her heart and soul and mind. May she never grow weary or be afraid or doubt or lose hope because she has the Living Word, which springs up in her soul directing and leading and refreshing and renewing her each and every day. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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