Wednesday, October 04, 2017

First Responders

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last Friday I became a first responder! I had just finished checking in with our contractor to find out how the day was going to be played out. Each morning he would explain to me what kind of remodeling that him and his crew needed to do in order to finish the siding and the windows. I came into the house and started my quiet time. I heard the sound of one of the men coming in to use the bathroom and then a LOUD thud followed by several expletives. I called out, "are you okay?" to which I heard, "No I am not, I need help!" Instantly thoughts started running through my mind -- asking Jesus to help me with the situation - I headed toward the back of the house to the bathroom. Not knowing if there was blood involved (my children can attest to my reaction to the sight of blood) because of the size of the bathroom (very small). Thankfully he was laying on the floor and said he needed help getting up so I ran outside to get the other contractor who then took care of him. It was just a matter of minutes, maybe a total of 15. He is now awaiting triple bypass surgery to be done on Thursday. I ask that you pray for him as he is very scared right now.

Because of the most recent tragedy and the people that were there and the people who acted and became the first responders, I was thinking, how marvelous it is that we have Jesus, our Savior who is the ultimate first responder. He is the one who saves and heals and renews and accepts and purifies and refines. Until you are in the midst of the crisis, there is no way of knowing how you will act or even react. We become first responders!

Abba Father, thank You that we are so richly blessed. Thank You Jesus that You know the beginning and the end of our lives and that because of You we are saved. Praise thee oh Precious LORD that Your name, the name above all names, is our First and Last and at ALL times our "first responder". Thank You Holy Spirit.
I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that when she cries out that her first response will be Jesus. LORD, I pray for Your richest blessings and most tenderest of mercies to drench her today. In the precious name of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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