Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Refreshed and Renewed

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Our house is under construction - thus my so called normal routine is somewhat in disarray plus we had company for a week. Our house needed to be sided and since it was a good time to replace the existing windows, which were original when the house was built in the 70's, we decided to have them replaced also. The first to go was the existing soffits and gutters and since the bottom half of the original siding was rotten, it needed to be cut off and replaced with plywood to prepare the outside to be wrapped and prepped for new siding.

The crew of four staged our house with all the construction stuff, (actually they really have cool toys to play with) and got to work. They started last Thursday. They put in long hours, starting at 7:00 and working until 5:00 with a lunch break in between. I'm loving how it is being refreshed and renewed.

Each day brings with it a tearing down of the old and replacing with the new and at the end of that day my house is being refreshed and renewed. The dust and debris which was under the old is gone. The nesting places for bugs and spiders has been removed also. What a transformation!!

Oh how amazing is our God that when He refreshes and renews that all the dust and debris and all the bugs and spiders (sin) are gone and replaced with much more than just temporal things but eternal salvation. Yes, I can see on a day to day basis by looking at the new things being placed on my house, but also there has been something else going on here. And it is the relationship between the construction crew and also with me and my husband. So in the process of my house being refreshed and renewed, God is working in all of our lives.

Abba Father, how gracious and glorious, that You direct all things and in all Your ways it is Good. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ to be refreshed and renewed today. May Your Spirit pour living water over and through and upon and into their hearts and minds and souls. May all the dust and debris and all the nesting places where sin has been hidden be washed away. May she bask in Your Presence and Rest in Your Peace and Embrace Your Love. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,



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