Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Step By Step

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I know that I am a little late in posting my Wednesday morning prayer. Really no reason for it other than when I got up this morning my indoor/outdoor temperature gauge read, "57 degrees". I thought that it was broken but after checking another source, yes, indeed it was 57 degrees. So I opted for taking a walk in the sunshine and warm weather. The past two mornings it was only 29 and 32 respectively in the mornings and really didn't want to go out. This mornings walk was wonderful. I walked from my end of town to the other end, approximately 2 miles and then on the way back took a nature walk through an area where there are two fishing ponds. The nature walk was very relaxing for me. It was quiet enough along the rocky path to hear my footsteps. I was enjoying the sound, taking one step at a time meandering along the pathway. Ah, isn't it good to do that with the Lord? Taking it one step at a time? Sometimes it is a baby step and other times it is a longer step, but still progress is being made. What kind of progress? Moving forward - always moving forward!! I'm walking that path each day and as the day begins I'm hopeful that with the steps taken there are times when the steps lead me to a wonderful pond where I can relax and enjoy and other times the steps lead me to a sheltered pathway and at other times my steps lead me to something that takes my breath away. So wonderful of our Lord and Savior, that He alone, His Presence leads us along our path and as we take our steps He is always one step ahead of us, guiding and directing and paving the way for us.

Abba Father,

How marvelous and magnificent art Thou. Oh, how I praise thee for Your Most Sovereign Power, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and each day that she step out in Faith and Trust in the One who has planned and purposed her step for each and every day. Lord may Your richest blessings be poured into their lives and may they enjoy the walk with you. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Keeping The Words

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am beginning to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo, which stands for National November Writing Month, under the urging of my daughter several years back I committed myself to do this. To explain, during the month of November you are to write a novel, 50,000 words. Yes, it does seem impossible!! My first year was 2009 and each November after that until 2016 I participated. I disciplined myself and committed myself to the project and each day was a total surprise as to what the Lord had in store for me to write. Yes, I prayed before and during and after each days writings for I know that I cannot trust my own mind when it comes to "right thinking". I have saved every one of them in rough draft form. All 6 of them. I tell myself that I am going to edit and edit and edit again and then publish. Maybe it will happen and maybe not. It is amazing to me but as I think about each year's writing, without looking at the finished product, I still remember each one and how it came into fruition. I remember them better than I remember each days happening in my life. How is that possible? I guess because there are some memories, some words, some moments in our lives that we keep. Yes, keeping the words alive in our minds and in our hearts. That is what I want to do with the "Word". Keeping it in my heart and soul and mind. As I go about my daily routine each day there are words I read and words I hear, may I keep the "Word of God". The living Word.

Abba Father, Priase thee and thank thee that You have given us Your Word. Oh most Holy and Righteous Lord I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ keep Your Word in her heart and soul and mind. May she never grow weary or be afraid or doubt or lose hope because she has the Living Word, which springs up in her soul directing and leading and refreshing and renewing her each and every day. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Having A Good Hair Day

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I don't know what it is. I can't understand it exactly. But... I finally found a hairdresser who DID cut my hair beautifully and now after almost a year I feel like myself again. After the first few cuts of my hair with her razor I could feel it, as she ran her fingers through my hair I knew it!!! Finally after all this time getting it cut and being unhappy. Trying to explain how I wanted it cut was very frustrating. When I got home my husband was very pleased too.

How does a good hair day relate to to my spiritual walk with the LORD? Well, He knows the number of hairs I have on my head, right? Yes, it has everything to do with it. He has and is directing our steps and even though the days are frustrating and even though we try to explain our way of being He is the One, the Only One who knows us completely and intimately. As we walk out our days (bad hair days or good hair days) He leads and directs. Oh, how Gracious is our God that His plans and purposes are perfect and more importantly is His Timing. His Timing is the simplest of matters. As simple as getting the perfect haircut, it was yesterday and not a day sooner or later. I had to go through 4 different hair cutting episodes until I got the perfect hair day. Each time I got it cut I had to wait for it to grow out and try again and again and again. Yes, my world is like that I keep trying hoping that the result will be what I desire. It is the same with my walk with the Lord, I hope for a day filled with love and joy and goodness so each day I choose to TRUST in Him. The one who created the day and tells us in His word to rejoice and be glad, because this is the day that He made. May it be so.

Abba Father, How merciful and majestic is Your Name, how glorious and rich are Your tender mercies. Praise to thee!! Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that today she would bring her day to You and ask that You have Thine Own Way, whether it is a good hair day or a bad hair day may she TRUST in Your Promises and WAIT upon thee for her next breath. May she continually lift up the Name of Jesus and quiet her mind to Know that You are God. In the Precious Name of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, October 04, 2017

First Responders

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Last Friday I became a first responder! I had just finished checking in with our contractor to find out how the day was going to be played out. Each morning he would explain to me what kind of remodeling that him and his crew needed to do in order to finish the siding and the windows. I came into the house and started my quiet time. I heard the sound of one of the men coming in to use the bathroom and then a LOUD thud followed by several expletives. I called out, "are you okay?" to which I heard, "No I am not, I need help!" Instantly thoughts started running through my mind -- asking Jesus to help me with the situation - I headed toward the back of the house to the bathroom. Not knowing if there was blood involved (my children can attest to my reaction to the sight of blood) because of the size of the bathroom (very small). Thankfully he was laying on the floor and said he needed help getting up so I ran outside to get the other contractor who then took care of him. It was just a matter of minutes, maybe a total of 15. He is now awaiting triple bypass surgery to be done on Thursday. I ask that you pray for him as he is very scared right now.

Because of the most recent tragedy and the people that were there and the people who acted and became the first responders, I was thinking, how marvelous it is that we have Jesus, our Savior who is the ultimate first responder. He is the one who saves and heals and renews and accepts and purifies and refines. Until you are in the midst of the crisis, there is no way of knowing how you will act or even react. We become first responders!

Abba Father, thank You that we are so richly blessed. Thank You Jesus that You know the beginning and the end of our lives and that because of You we are saved. Praise thee oh Precious LORD that Your name, the name above all names, is our First and Last and at ALL times our "first responder". Thank You Holy Spirit.
I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that when she cries out that her first response will be Jesus. LORD, I pray for Your richest blessings and most tenderest of mercies to drench her today. In the precious name of Jesus, the name above all names, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,
