Wednesday, September 27, 2017

1 Thessalonians 3:12 and 13.

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My mind is still a little foggy for I have been taking cold medication for the past several days. And coupled with that I have had little interaction with people and being the extravert that I am, well you can imagine my need for communication. So...sisters-in-Christ, even though it is one-sided for the moment, may I just talk for awhile. Our house is still being remodeled and with that comes the mess of various construction items stored on the property and then many items discarded until final clean-up. I have to admit I do talk with them but try to limit it to a few moments at a time. Since the windows are in, I've been thinking about curtains - there is a wonderful quilting store here in town and I haven't sewn any thing in a long time so am considering that as my next project. My younger brother who lives in California is here visiting and being that I am sick we are limited to phone conversations and texting, I hope I am well before he leaves on Saturday. My husband is also sick so at least we are able to comfort each other.

Well that is enough for this post. See, I am already exhausting myself, thank you for reading. Now to the best part of the reason why I continue to post every Wednesday. I am so thankful for the Lord for His goodness and mercy that allows me to come into your homes each week and share with you.

Abba Father, Praise and Glory to Thee, the LORD who whispers and it is so, whose Love is everlasting, whose tender mercies are new every morning, how I do love thee, LORD I pray, the words written in 1 Thessalonians 3:12 and 13, "And the Lord make you to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you: To the end He may stablish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. (KJV). In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Security Protection

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have a program on my computer which prevents any threathening viruses from getting into my system. Each time that I turn it on an alert comes on that this program is doing its job and then it gives me a number of threats or other suspicous activity that has been attempted to corrupt my system.

How amazing is our God that we do not have to install a program or pay for a program of even think about such things because He is our Security, He is our Savior, He is our Protector. He covers us with His Mighty Wings. Oh how precious it is to know that He is/has taken care of all that will harm us or threaten us or even try to invade us. How amazing is His Love for us that His Son went to the Cross and paid the price, and died for us and then gave us the Holy Spirit and we are Sealed.

Abba Father, how Glorious art thou that in these days of turmoil and unrest and tradegies that You are Sovereign and just the Name Jesus spoken You are there to heal, to protect, to provide, to shield, to harbor, to do the impossible. Lord I pray for those who are in the midst of threatening things and cover her with Your Peace and Hope and Love to which she can cry out to You and know that in these things You are the Great I AM, the LORD, the Creator and the Savior. I pray that Your Name be Glorified this day in the midst of all that wants to rob us of our Joy and Peace. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Refreshed and Renewed

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Our house is under construction - thus my so called normal routine is somewhat in disarray plus we had company for a week. Our house needed to be sided and since it was a good time to replace the existing windows, which were original when the house was built in the 70's, we decided to have them replaced also. The first to go was the existing soffits and gutters and since the bottom half of the original siding was rotten, it needed to be cut off and replaced with plywood to prepare the outside to be wrapped and prepped for new siding.

The crew of four staged our house with all the construction stuff, (actually they really have cool toys to play with) and got to work. They started last Thursday. They put in long hours, starting at 7:00 and working until 5:00 with a lunch break in between. I'm loving how it is being refreshed and renewed.

Each day brings with it a tearing down of the old and replacing with the new and at the end of that day my house is being refreshed and renewed. The dust and debris which was under the old is gone. The nesting places for bugs and spiders has been removed also. What a transformation!!

Oh how amazing is our God that when He refreshes and renews that all the dust and debris and all the bugs and spiders (sin) are gone and replaced with much more than just temporal things but eternal salvation. Yes, I can see on a day to day basis by looking at the new things being placed on my house, but also there has been something else going on here. And it is the relationship between the construction crew and also with me and my husband. So in the process of my house being refreshed and renewed, God is working in all of our lives.

Abba Father, how gracious and glorious, that You direct all things and in all Your ways it is Good. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ to be refreshed and renewed today. May Your Spirit pour living water over and through and upon and into their hearts and minds and souls. May all the dust and debris and all the nesting places where sin has been hidden be washed away. May she bask in Your Presence and Rest in Your Peace and Embrace Your Love. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,


Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Being Grateful or Grouchy and Grumpy

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My 88 year old daddy was not feeling very well yesterday and especially after his visit from the hospice nurse he was even moodier. So, me being his one and only loving daughter,(it is a family saying since I have 4 younger brothers), decided to address his moodiness, by stating, "Daddy you are alive and breathing and you can choose to be grateful or grouchy", to which he replied, and "grumpy". We looked at each other and he decided to go sit in his chair and stop complaining. I continued with my task of helping my mom pay the bills. When we had finished we asked if he wanted to come along and pay the bills that were in town. He said, "yes." The rest of our time together was very enjoyable.

With all that is going on with fires, and floods, and threats of unrest throughout the world, I also realize that I have a choice of whether being grateful or grouchy and grumpy. And as I watch the news and see all these events that are unfolding and how the people effected are reacting or acting, it is quite evident to me which ones are grateful and which ones are grouchy and grumpy.

Drastic and devastating changes have happened in their lives. I hardly know how and who to pray for - I turned to Ecclesiastes 3 and read the verses, 1-11, and place my Trust in the God who created it all and in Him all things are possible.

Abba Father, How merciful art thou towards your children, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that they place their Trust in the GOD who is sovereign over all and who keeps His Promises. May they have grateful hearts and rejoice for this day, these 24 hours of breathing. May each breath that they take be a prayer lifted up to You in Praise. In the Precious Name of Jesus, Amen.

Embracing That Which Has Already Been Given,
