Wednesday, December 09, 2015

God's Directions and God's Thoughts

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I hope that you are not becoming overwhelmed with all the holiday happenings.

I needed to get some lab work done, so in preparation of that, I contacted the doctor's office and the lab to check if the proper paperwork was faxed. I was assured that it was. I needed to fast for 12 hours so ate early enough last night and walked up to the lab this morning. When I arrived I was told that the paperwork was not there and that maybe it had been faxed to the other lab which opened at 8:00 am. The time was 6:30, the tech took my name and phone number and said she would check to see if that was the case. I told her I would come back tomorrow morning. She was very apologetic and I thanked her for going the extra step and her concern.

After I left the place I thought to myself - okay, I did everything that I could and thought that it was all taken care of however that was not the case. I am trying to learn that God's directions and God's thoughts are not mine. This was a good reminder of that so this is me waiting until tomorrow morning.

Abba Father, Praise thee and thank thee for Your directions and Your thoughts which are so much higher and bigger and richer and deeper than what my mind can even fathom. Lord may I trust You in my daily walk with you and I pray that for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would TRUST YOU in her daily walk with You. In the Precious Name of JESUS. Amen

Property of the Eternal,



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