Wednesday, November 04, 2015


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I love giraffes!!!! Yes the statement followed by 4 exclamation points. I received a little booklet several years ago from my daughter - the title of the book, "Dear Mom, Thank You for Everything" by Bradley Trevor Greive. There are various pictures of animals and underneath is a little saying and of course there is a picture of two giraffes with their necks wrapped around each other and the caption says, "With your strong, gentle hands, and calm wise words, plus lots of warm and loving hugs.

Out of all the pictures and sayings in the book of course this one captured me the most and not only because it was giraffes. But it was the words written underneath - "with your strong, gentle hands, and calm wise words, plus lots of warm and loving hugs." I'm not to sure about just how strong and gentle my hands were or how calm or even wise my words were but I gave and still give lots of warm and loving hugs. I love giving hugs!!!!

HUGS wrappings your arms around someone or something to me is the sweetest and kindest thing that a person can do. A few years back there was a situation in my life when I cried out to God, "if I do this who will give me hugs", and HIS reply was, "I will".

The reason I love giraffes - I do not know, I just do. The reason I love giving hugs is because He gives me HUGS.

Abba Father, Praise thee and Thank thee for your constant and forever Presence. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she would continuously and constantly feel Your Everlasting Arms surrounding her with Your Presence and Your Peace. May she walk in Your abundant Grace and be blessed with Your tenderest of Mercies. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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