Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I awoke early this morning after experiencing a horrific nightmare - my first thought was to try and walk it off. So outside I went to look at the predawn skies. The moon was positioned right overhead and several stars in the sky remained. Since I am dressed in my robe and wearing my night slippers I decided not to walk down the street very far instead I started to pull some weeds that had been left behind by my husband who had trimmed the yard the day before.

How do you remove an image from your mind?

If you have seen any commercials or infomercials which show local spots to visit while you are on vacation in Hawaii - the imagery is of sunny beaches and beautiful places to relax. Coming from Montana where looking at something that you think is close but in reality it is at least a 100 miles away, I had a totally different picture after moving here to Hawaii. If you watch closely to the scenes displayed on the tv screen you begin to see a cloud around the beach or the dining spot or the hotel they are advertising. That is because you can literally walk from one area to the other - sometimes it is only 20 feet away.

The most interesting thing about this is that when you do walk the 20 feet you seem to enter into another world completely. The scenery is different, the people on the beach are different, the sounds of the ocean and the voices of the people are different. What a difference 20 feet can make!

Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ just image what a difference 20 feet can make in your life. Just imagine!

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thy Name, o Most Sovereign Lord, thank You that You promise never to leave nor to forsake. Lord we are made in Your image. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her imagery would be Jesus. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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