Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Training Wheels

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Today is a holiday and knowing that I stayed up way to late last night and slept in this morning. My reason for this posting being so late.

I had told my husband that one of my goals when I turned 65, was to learn how to use chopsticks. I had attempted many times. I would watch videos on how to properly hold them, I had asked some women to show me how to use them, and would practice but for some reason I still was not able to use them. Frustrated I was about to resign myself to the fact that I was just one of those people who would have to settle for the spoon and fork.

I was telling a coworker about my frustration and she told me that they had chopsticks for children that had a spring like button on it, sort of like training wheels for bicycles.I found this very interesting, I thought is was just a natural thing that children could use them in the traditional families that used them for eating. She told me that I could probably pick them up anywhere. For about 6 months I looked. I could not find them anywhere.

Last week, when I came home from work for lunch I noticed something on the kitchen table. It was a small package and in it was 4 chopsticks. Yes, the kind that I had been looking for. My husband had found them on Amazon and wanted to surprize me. I opened the package and placed the chopsticks in my hand and now use them to eat with. My husband said, now you can use these for awhile to learn and eventually you will be able to use the other ones. I'm liking my new chopsticks.

For now I need to use training wheels to help me in the process not only in my desire to accomplish a goal but also in my living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

Abba Father, thank You for Your Presence in our lives and how deeply Your Desire for us is.
LORD, I pray for an outpouring of Your Spirit to enter into the lives of these precious and dear sisters-in-Christ and may they desire to try new things and seek new dreams and ask for You to give them the training wheels to do Your Will in every thing. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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