Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Uncomfortable Memories

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

My visit to my hometown this past July seemed to bring up some uncomfortable memories of past. One such memory was dealing with how I had wronged my 3rd brother. Unbeknown to me, he had already planned how our relationship could be mended. He was and still is the quiet one, siting back while the rest of us (3 other siblings) did our thing to keep the peace. I have to admit that I really did not mind the kind of relationship we had and thought that would be how we would live out our adult lives. I'm am so thankful that he took the initive to work it out his way and how he did it that made it possible for me to see him as the most supportive brother in the whole wide world.

Uncomfortable memories - the kind that can be ignored - the kind that only come up once in a while - even these uncomfortable memories can dampen our growth not only in our relationships with family and friends but also with our LORD.

Abba Father, Thank You that You LOVE us so deeply and so intimately that You desire the BEST for us. Thank You that You draw us unto You and initiate all the uncomfortable memories and turn them around for our Good and for Your Glory. Praise thee oh Lord for Your most tenderest of mercies which You pour into our lives each and every morning. Enough to fill the whole day and then You do it again. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that their uncomfortable memories be changed by Your most Sovereign Grace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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