Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Moments in Our Lives

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Yesterday I had an encounter - but first I must tell of the beginning. I was excited for the drive over to the other side of the island because then I am able to see three things - the Hamakua Coastline, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. As we began our drive and watched the dark clouds roll across the skyline the odds of seeing all three were not in our favor. Remembering a conversation that I had had with a friend earlier in the day in which she hoped that the drive would be sunny and that I would get to see sheep, I was hopeful that the clouds would somehow disappear. There is a specific area on the road where you are able to get a first glance at the Hamakua coastline as we got nearer and nearer I kept my eyes directed at the coastline. God did not disappoint. I saw the misted covered hills and I thanked God. A little farther down the road I looked up and there was the bluest sky exposed in between the darkest clouds and saw Mauna Kea and I thanked God. As we drove down Saddle Road I looked for the sheep - I was scanning the hillside on both sided of the highway - I was looking on the passenger side when my husband who was driving said, "there are your sheep." I thanked God.

The main reason for the drive was to visit the Social Security office to try and get some answers to the several mailings I had received from Social Security. I had made an appoinment to visit with a representative which was set for Tuesday at 1:00 pm. The day before I had gathered all the mailings and was prepared for a sit down meeting. That did not happen. The encounter was disturbing - I was taken aback and actually became very upset and mad - two emotions that I do not like. How do I handle this LORD?

If it was not for the beginning of my day of thanking Him I know that I would have stewed about it for hours and hours but I chose instead to thank God for His goodness and give it to Him. After sharing and having a great meal we left for the drive home. I turned my eyes once again to the scenery and was not disappointed. The way the clouds had settled across the ocean I was able to see both mountains (Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa), a rainbow across the Hamakua coastline and a bonus, the Island of Maui. I thanked God.

Abba Father, Thank You and Praise You for the majestic moments of our lives and Thank You and Praise You for the disturbing moments of our lives. LORD I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ would Thank You and Praise You for each and every moment of her life and TRUST in You completely. May You shower them with blessings of Joy and Hope and Love and Peace. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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