Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Birthday Month - Matthew 1:18-24

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Since my birthday is in the month of December I have always considered it a special month for me. I announced to my husband on Monday night that tomorrow is the beginning of my birthday month, to which he replied, "No! I am not ready yet!!" He makes me laugh.

When I tell people that I have a birthday month they always ask if I expect gifts each day. My answer is yes.

Let me try and explain my reason for that answer - I have learned over the years that I have received so many wonderful gifts from the Giver of Gifts. For not only is my physical birthday in December but more importantly is my Spiritual birthday. Each day I expectantly wait for something from HIM. Receiving His gift for my day is awesome and miraculous and beautiful and glorious and AMAZING.

My gift for today is all of you who each Wednesday I have the honor of entering your life and the responses of encouragement and love that you send back are my treasures which are being stored in heaven.

Abba Father, as I come before Your throne of Grace this day I come to ask that You richly bless those who need Your healing touch, Whisper words of comfort for those who are mourning, Capture the hearts of those who are lonely, Loosen the chains of those who are bound, and anoint Your Peace upon those who are fearful. In the Precious Name of Jesus Christ.

Property of the Eternal,



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