Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Inspirational Bookmarks and More

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I have several or maybe more than several bookmarks and I have them placed in various books and journals and even in current calendar which I am using for work. Some have scriptures, some have pictures, some have inspirational sayings and some have flowers. Most are store bought but a few are handmade by my children from when they were young and others from friends.

The one that I am looking at now has written on it a saying from Winston S. Churchill, "Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: It is the courage, To continue that counts."

Your life and mine are filled with days of success and days of failure in some form or another and as we take that success and that failure and come before the throne of Grace He alone will give us the courage to continue. For I know that in my own strength that my success would lead me into being prideful and my failure would lead me into doubts and unbelief. These areas where my focus is not on my LORD. I desire to have my life bookmarked by Jesus.

Abba Father,

Praise and Glory to thee alone - for as we walk through each day and face the successes and failures may our dependence on thee become deeper and richer. Oh Lord bookmark the days of my life with Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Provision and above all else Your Love. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would lean not upon her own strength but come to You and have the courage to continue to live a life filled with You and Your alone. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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