Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Praising HIM - Psalms 148, 149 and 150

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

The weather forecast for my Island (Big Island) of Hawaii the beginning of the week was very dismal. The possibility of 3 Category 4 Hurricanes coming our way. Since the first did not get us and now the second and third will probably follow the same path people are saying that it is Pele that saved or it was luck but for me I'm thanking the LORD for sparing us once again. In fact He displayed the proof this morning on my walk.

I usually do not walk on Wednesday mornings as I am posting, but the Lord told me to walk so out the door I went picking up my phone because I needed to make a couple calls to the mainland, as I walked out the door I looked up at the mountain to see the gorgeous and brillant pink clouds and looking out over the ocean the clouds were dark and ominous looking - continuing on my walk I reached the top of the hill and as I looked out over the ocean the most beautiful rainbow was being displayed. I stopped to take some pictures to capture the moment and continued on my walk with the rainbow still in the sky over the ocean - As I came inside my room to post it was still there. Yes, God's Promises!!!

Abba Father

Praise to thee and thank you for Your Promises may we bow our heads this day and read from Your precious WORD and begin to Praise thee. May each promise that has been spoken over and into the hearts of Your Precious sisters-in-Christ be displayed in the most awesome of ways and may each one sing praises unto thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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