Wednesday, August 05, 2015

On My Knees Weeding

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

A random thought: I do not believe that I will ever tire of greeting you all in this fashion. Since I began writing prayers in 2004 to close friends and family on the mainland it expanded into learning about how to connect world wide through the internet. First came the webpage, courtesy of my daughter and then to emailing and then to blogging.

It started on Monday early morning when the Lord said that I needed to get on my knees for I have something to teach you. I preceded out the door to the gardening workbench, picked up the knee pad and at a little area around the bird bath I got on my knees and began to pull weeds. As I started to remove the big weeds that I could readily see it uncovered the smaller ones that were lying underneath. It was then that the teaching began. It was the same for Tuesday morning and again this morning. A little patch at a time starting with the big and ending with the smallest, going over it a second time to make sure that all have been removed. The littlest ones were the hardest because I had to remove some of the soil and rocks from around them to get to the root. Ah isn't that how sin is in our live! We remove the ones that we can see readily not even knowing that we are exposing the smaller ones which have taken root.

One of the smallest of all is: Fretting and the Lord's response is: Psalm 37

Abba Father, Praise the oh most Sovereign Lord that You are our Father in heaven who watches over us. Thank You for Your Son and for Your Spirit. Lord I come before thee this morning trusting that Your Word is Sure and Truth. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that she desire thee above all else, that she would indeed Trust in the Lord and Delight thyself also in the Lord and Commit thy way unto the Lord and Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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