Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Colors and Scents

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I think that one of the best professions to have would be a florist. On most weekends I go to the local farmer's market in Keauhou Shopping Center, there are a few vendors that I buy from - the first is Donna, she has such a beautiful display of local flowers and foliage. I have a hard time selecting because all of her arrangements - each one is so pleasing to the eyes and the combined scents are so pleasing to the nose. This is the one I would like to write about today. I bring home my arrangement, put it in one of my many vases and place on the kitchen table. Through the week when I sit at the table the first thing I see is the flowers and then I smell the fragrance of them that even overpowers the food on my plate. Just a little splash of color and aroma added to a table changes even the way you partake of your meal.

Which makes me think - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, His Name, His Face, His Fragrance that overpowers all other things. Yes, communion with Him is so sweet and precious.

Abba Faither, Praise and Glory to thee, oh most Sovereign Lord, thank you for Your Blessed Riches and for Your Grace bestowed upon us, your children.
Precious sisters-in-Christ I pray that your day and your week be filled with the beauty of the Lord and that the fragrance of Jesus would permeate from your very being that all those you encounter would want to have what you have. May the testimony of your life go forth today. In Jesus Name, Amen

Property of the Eternal,



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