Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Isaiah 1:18 Let Us Reason Together

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Two days ago a storm passed over our Island - it was pitch black at 9:30 am with ROARS of Thunder, which shook the ground and BOLTS of lightning that violently struck the earth. Three of the bolts struck all around our work building, in fact I witnessed the strike of one of them as it struck the utililty pole across the street from outside our office door. With it came the rain so fierce that the sound of it was like standing next to Niagra Falls. Oh the power of Nature and yet it pales in comparison to the Power of our most Sovereign and Holy God.

The air was so fully charged with electricity that my body was on high alert - but yet I watched all of this and was amazed - yes amazed. How much more of God that there is to learn about, how much more of Him to want to know, how much more of His Power is my mind able to grasp and yet remain still before Him.

In the midst of all this chaos is God - a Loving God, a Sovereign God, a God who says, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Oh, how marvelous that He speaks to us, that He knows our most intimate life and yet He invites us to come and reason together. This is too much for my mind to even conceive that He invites us - just as I witnessed the power of nature how is it possible with something that powerful that could destroy and damage and yet God who is so much MORE invites us and removes our filth.

Abba Father, we are on our faces before thee oh that You would invite us to reason together, may we be still before You our most Sovereign LORD and know that You are our God. LORD may Your Presence be known to each and every sister-in-Christ this day. May You surround her with Your Holy Spirit and may she desire to know thee more and more. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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