Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I'm Going Home

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm going home for a couple of weeks - by home I mean to visit my parents who happen to be living in the town where I was born and lived until I was in my teens. Yes, I do consider this town my home. It is funny though, for several years - starting when I was nine years old I prayed to leave the town and move to California. God answered those prayers the summer of my 15th year when we moved to Goleta California. I do remember that I vowed to never return to that little town again. Over the course of these past 50 years my parents moved back and now I look forward to going back home to that little town in Montana.

I know that when I arrive mom and dad will have prepared ahead of time all the things that they will want to do, which will be delightful for me. I'm going to take this time and enjoy being "home".

Some of the things that they have planned are - visiting family and friends, taking an after dinner drive along my favorite river (Spring Creek), going fishing, watching the 4th of July parade, spending time sitting at the kitchen table eating and talking story, and my favorite of all is receiving and giving of HUGS.

I hope that each one of you have a favorite place that you can call "home" and that you are able to say, "I'm going home".

Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would enjoy each day with You. May she long for her heavenly home and at the same time enjoy her earthly home and all that you supply and provide. Lord as she draws closer and closer to thee each day may she become the woman You have created her to be. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Living Water

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I awoke earlier than normal this morning, about half an hour, and as I laid there, I heard the sound of the water coming from the fountain that sits on top of my dresser. For some reason the sound of the water seemed louder this morning. It got me out of bed and up and I started my day. A walk around the yard and the orchid area to look at the various fruits and flowers growing - this completed my morning routine. Now I'm sitting here asking God for His Words to be poured forth as I pen this post.

A dear sister-in-Christ and my mentor shared this morning that, as she sat at the bedside of her mother, she read Psalm 23 and 121 to her. Another sister-in-Christ shared about how God confirmed a word to her through her husband. Another sister-in-Christ shared a video about flourishing which I watched and inspired me to continue on being the person God created me to be. All these combined are what keeps us Focused on the one who strengthens and guides and inspires and draws us to the Living Water.

O, most Sovereign LORD, our Abba Father, Praise and Glory and Honor to thee. Abba, thank You for all the moments in my life, thank You for the air that I breathe, thank You for all that You Give and also thank You for all that You Take. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today - may she not settle for just an ordinary day but desire the extraordinary - a day filled to the brim of You and You alone. In Your Presence surrounded by Your Love. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,


Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Colors and Scents

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I think that one of the best professions to have would be a florist. On most weekends I go to the local farmer's market in Keauhou Shopping Center, there are a few vendors that I buy from - the first is Donna, she has such a beautiful display of local flowers and foliage. I have a hard time selecting because all of her arrangements - each one is so pleasing to the eyes and the combined scents are so pleasing to the nose. This is the one I would like to write about today. I bring home my arrangement, put it in one of my many vases and place on the kitchen table. Through the week when I sit at the table the first thing I see is the flowers and then I smell the fragrance of them that even overpowers the food on my plate. Just a little splash of color and aroma added to a table changes even the way you partake of your meal.

Which makes me think - Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, His Name, His Face, His Fragrance that overpowers all other things. Yes, communion with Him is so sweet and precious.

Abba Faither, Praise and Glory to thee, oh most Sovereign Lord, thank you for Your Blessed Riches and for Your Grace bestowed upon us, your children.
Precious sisters-in-Christ I pray that your day and your week be filled with the beauty of the Lord and that the fragrance of Jesus would permeate from your very being that all those you encounter would want to have what you have. May the testimony of your life go forth today. In Jesus Name, Amen

Property of the Eternal,
