Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Being Changed

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I am reminded of the time when I was 15 and we took a trip from my home town of Lewistown, Montana to where my mom's family lived in Evansville, Indiana. It was really the last summer trip that we took as a family. My brothers and I were getting older and a decision had to be made because of my father's health as to whether to stay in Montana or move to a place where the weather was milder. Since I was the oldest of the 5 siblings I was going to be able to stay with my aunt for a couple of extra weeks which would allow my folks more time to sort things out. It has been a few years since then so don't know exactly the details on my staying.

I do remember though the importance of me being there and realizing that what I was going to facing after I left was something that would change me. There was a quiet nagging within me.

The remembrances of that summer:

Catching Fire flies in a glass jar and sitting under the tree
Taking a shower n the middle of the yard during an afternoon rain
Going to a dance with my aunt, who is 6 months younger than me
Helping my grandmother while she fixed our morning breakfast
Listening to the sounds of neighborhood get togethers
Walking to the neighborhood store
Taking the hand of my uncle's and skipping down the forbidden street

But most of all it was the fact that I was allowing myself to be a teenager with not a care in the world.

The quiet nagging in me remains to this day - that is how I know that I am being changed. The Lord draws me closer to Him and in the drawing I find that this quiet nagging brings me to a place where my life is forever changed in the most amazing of ways. For I must remember that I am the clay and He is the Potter.

Abba Father,

Thank you and Praise You oh most Sovereign Lord, how Great thou art. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today that she would come to You just as a child and choose to receive Your touch. May she be wrapped in the hands of the Potter and know that with each touch of Your hands she is being changed into the woman Your have created her to be. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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