Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Taking a Prayer Walk

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm taking a deep breath today as I begin to write this post. September is the month when the Lord has called me to once again take a journey with HIM. This September is so different than any other year - for this year I am with HIM in a lush garden. I have been here only 5 days and yet it seems like an eternity. As I walk around in this garden today I will be praying for all of you near and far.

Abba Father, this place where You have placed me today, Praise to thee, how Glorious, how Magnificent, how Holy are Your Ways and Your Thoughts towards each dear and precious sister-in-Christ. Precious sisters-in-Christ may He pour into Your hearts His Divineness and may you each come before Him with the blessed assurance that He has drawn You to Him. It is in HIM alone that You find completeness and acceptance and a LOVE so amazing. Look into the Face of Jesus and worship the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let all that is burdensome to thee be placed at HIS feet. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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