Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In Travel Mode

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I'm in travel mode for the next three weeks and at times I will be in places where they still use dial-up so this will be my last post until the end of August. We are traveling to the mainland for medical reasons. My husband has been suffering with severe pain and other issues since his open heart surgery last March. With the help of family and friends and even total strangers we are able to make the trip to Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. We are hopeful!! Since we are on the mainland we both have parents who are in their 80's and we need to spend some quality time with them and some time with our daughter and our grandchildren.

I would ask that you pray for us while we are traveling.

For my husband, if he sits for any length of time and in a cramped position his whole body seizes up in pain.
For me, the plane and car trips are stressful because my mind goes into panic mode when it thinks there will not be a bathroom within walking distance. Crazy but true!

I would ask that you pray for us when we arrive.

Our visit to Mayo Clinic and our precious time with family and friends while on the mainland would be blessed with His Presence, His Peace, His Provision, His Purpose, and His Power.

Precious sisters-in-Christ I will miss our Wednesday mornings while I am gone.

Abba Father, Praise You Lord! Thank you Lord for Your Gentleness and Your Goodness. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Chirst. Lord even though I will not be posting for the next three weeks You are ever Present. I pray that the Holy Spirit would come and in the coming equip You to speak the Gospel and counsel You and guide You into all the Truth. Oh precious sisters-in-Christ in Him alone! May your days be filled with His Abundance, His Grace, His Gentleness and most of all His Presence. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Property of the Eternal,



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