Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Many Times...

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It seems eons and eons ago since I first ventured into the world of computers. It was with the help of my daughter who encouraged me to begin blogging and helped with setting up this blog page. Today will be my 303rd blog. Wow!

How many decisions have been made, how many lives have been radically changed, how many opportunities have been provided, how many miraculous things have happened over these 303 postings.

I am continually AMAZED at the FAITHFULNESS and KINDNESS which our Heavenly Father lavishes upon all of us each and every day of our lives.


How many times HIS abundant and overflowing Provision has met my every Need
How many times HIS whispered Voice has rang in my ear
How many times HIS arms have surrounded me in LOVE
How many times HIS sovereign will has kept His Promises
How many times HIS ....

I know that each one of you can finish the last line because He will forever and ever.

Abba Father, Almighty God, Creator of all Things, my Abba, Praise thee for whom all blessings flow. Thank You, Abba for my breath today, Thank You. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and in the week ahead that she would know the depths of Your Love, the width of Your Love, the height of Your Love and the length of Your Love and with this understanding may she lift her hands and begin to live her life in Your Abundant and Rich GRACE. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pathways and Trails

Greetings to my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

This morning as I began this post my eyes were drawn to the monthly calendar that I have hanging on my wall on the right side of my computer. The calendar is "Monet's Passion the Gardens at Giverny." For July, the caption under the the picture reads, "Red climbing roses festoon a pair of arches in Monet's flower garden. Indigo irises share beds... The natural gravel paths lined with lavender and flowering aubrieta lead the eye..."

It is this pathway that caught my eye, why, well maybe it is because when I was a child exploring new pathways while picnicking in the mountains was exciting. And there were plenty of little trails. Trails created by erosion and others by the animals that inhabited the hills.

As I journey on this pathway of life my path is sometimes lined with lavender and flowers and graveled. At other times it is a dirt path which is lined with sagebrush and weeds. For me it was always about the exploration of what was at the end of the trail (pathway). And I have never been disappointed yet!

Abba Father,

Praise thee for Your Precious Gifts of life, our twenty-four hour days, which You richly bless with such amazing LOVE. Oh how I thank Thee for all the moments. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she greets her day that she would be awakened to Your Holy Spirit directing her along her pathway and whether it is lined with flowers and lush vines or sagebrush and weeds may she be assured that she is fully and completely and unconditionally loved by You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Loving the Path I'm On,


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Romans 1:7

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I start this post with a verse, "To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints; Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 1:7

I know that it was Paul sending this to the believers in Rome - I would like to send this to the believers that receive my weekly email prayer.

Oh how amazing is our Abba Father that we are the "beloved", and even more so that He calls us to be "saints". No wonder God tells us that His Ways and His Thoughts are so far above ours because this is so very hard to comprehend.

I see things differently - today I would like to see how God sees and this is my prayer for you dear and precious sisters-in-Christ.

Abba Father, most Sovereign Lord, Praise thee that we are the "beloved of God", thank You that we have already been called to be saints. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ - Grace to you and Peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Praying for you,

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Joining in the Celebration

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

I grew up in a small town that celebrated the 4th of July in a big way. There was the parade, of course. The parade was a time for all the folks from the surrounding smaller communities to gather and enjoy seeing each other once again after a long year of struggles with planting and harvesting of their crops. Being able to come to the big city, which they referred to our small town as, and catch-up on all the happenings. (gossip) After the parade all would meet at the local fairgrounds to participate and enjoy the festivities (games and contests) waiting for darkness and then the display of fireworks. It was truly a community day. It was a day of celebration.

I hope that each one of you have the opportunity to join in all the festivities that are offered in your town or city and join in the celebration.

Abba Father, Praise thee this day for Your Son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross and has set us free from bondage and sin. Oh, Lord as we also celebrate our independence may we not forget the price that was paid for this independence. May we celebrate and worship the King of kings and Lord of lord who is the Way the Truth and the Life. It is only when we turn our hearts toward him that we are truly (in)dependent. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Joining in the Celebration
