Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How Many Times...

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

It seems eons and eons ago since I first ventured into the world of computers. It was with the help of my daughter who encouraged me to begin blogging and helped with setting up this blog page. Today will be my 303rd blog. Wow!

How many decisions have been made, how many lives have been radically changed, how many opportunities have been provided, how many miraculous things have happened over these 303 postings.

I am continually AMAZED at the FAITHFULNESS and KINDNESS which our Heavenly Father lavishes upon all of us each and every day of our lives.


How many times HIS abundant and overflowing Provision has met my every Need
How many times HIS whispered Voice has rang in my ear
How many times HIS arms have surrounded me in LOVE
How many times HIS sovereign will has kept His Promises
How many times HIS ....

I know that each one of you can finish the last line because He will forever and ever.

Abba Father, Almighty God, Creator of all Things, my Abba, Praise thee for whom all blessings flow. Thank You, Abba for my breath today, Thank You. LORD, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ today and in the week ahead that she would know the depths of Your Love, the width of Your Love, the height of Your Love and the length of Your Love and with this understanding may she lift her hands and begin to live her life in Your Abundant and Rich GRACE. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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